The Mighty 27th Masonic District is giving new meaning to that age old phrase, “An educated mason is a dedicated mason.” On Saturday, March 31, 2018, the first four sections of the Masonic Leadership Training Course were held at Hialeah-Opa-Locka Lodge No. 391, in both English and Spanish.

The bilingual school of instruction was the result of coordinated efforts between R:.W:. Luis Meurice, District Deputy Grand Master of the 27th Masonic District, M:. W:. Jorge Aladro, Grand Master of Masons in Florida 2012-2013, and R:. W:. Roy Strohacker, P.D.D.G.M in 2015. The first four sections of the Masonic Leadership Training Course were held for over 40 Brothers from nine different lodges throughout the district.
M:. W:. Aladro held the training in Spanish downstairs in the dining hall, while R:. W:. Strohacker held the English training upstairs in the lodge room. Both sessions were a tremendous success with Brothers planning to continue their masonic education this coming month.

The second part of the MLT was held at Oleeta West Dade Lodge No. 145 on Saturday, April 28, 2018. The third and final part of the MLT returned to Hialeah-Opa-Locka Lodge as Brothers wrapped up the last few sections of the MLT course.
The Masonic Leadership Training course gave the Brothers of district 27 an incredible opportunity to come together and not only partake in masonic education but also engage in friendly and brotherly discourse among men from multiple different lodges.
All brothers in and around District 27 are encouraged to attend future MLT training sessions, as South Florida masons continue educating tomorrow’s masonic leaders!
Sincerely & Fraternally,
Alejandro Zequeira
Worshipful Master
Hialeah-Opa-Locka Lodge No. 391