It is said that charity begins at home and this couldn’t be truer for the Brothers of Hialeah-Opa-Locka Lodge No. 391.
Brothers recently held a drive to collect school supplies to benefit a school in the city of Hialeah, FL. Lodge members started by reaching out to local schools in the area in search of any teachers needing supplies to start the school year.
When the Principal of Hialeah Elementary School responded with information about a teacher in need, the Brothers got to work filling boxes with all kinds of school supplies.
Collectively, the lodge filled almost four boxes with everything from paper and pencils to binders and disinfectant wipes. The supplies were presented to Ms. Matilde Silva and her 4th grade students during the second week of school. Both students and teacher were very happy to see the donations.

We hope this year’s contribution will foster a lasting relationship between our lodge and Hialeah Elementary School. We plan on partnering with them again in the future to help kick off another great school year by providing assistance wherever it is needed.
A special thank you goes out to the Principal of Hialeah Elementary, Rosa B. Iglesias, and Ms. Silva for their willingness to participate in this charitable event. We hope both of you, your students and staff have an incredible 2018-2019 school year.